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The Brittany Ferries company

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Details passengers

Brittany Ferries offers a wide choice of crossings between four countries of Western Europe namely Great Britain, France, Ireland, and Spain.

Here are the crossings proposed by the company:

  • France: Le Havre, Caen, Cherbourg, Saint-Malo and Roscoff
  • Great Britain: Portsmouth, Poole and Plymouth
  • Ireland: Cork
  • Spain: Bilbao and Santander

The fleet :

A leading shipping company on the Western and Central Channel, Brittany Ferries has a fleet of 10 modern vessels. The fleet is frequently renewed and modernized in a quest for excellence and in the strictest respect for safety standards.

In cruises or fast boats, the daily connections provided by the company take part, on the Atlantic Arc, in an active network of commercial, cultural and tourist exchanges.